
Louis F. DeBoer

This book is our publication and is now available. It is designed to be a companion volume to Brian Schwertley’s, “Exclusive Psalmody, A Biblical Defense.”  The latter constituted the Scriptural, the theological, the ideological argument for the singing of the Psalms in the worship of God. The former constitutes the practical and the historical argument. It shows the record of almost twenty centuries of a stream of uninspired hymns that has consistently been muddied with error, confusion, and heresy. It was written under the conviction that those who sing these hymns neither understand what they are singing nor the theology of those who composed them, for if they did they would (or should) react in surprise, disgust, and revulsion.

This book was written because the author is convinced that most of the Lord’s people really do not understand or know what they are singing.  And therefore they have no conception of how displeasing these hymns are to the Lord and how totally unacceptable they are to be used in God’s worship and to approach God’s throne in praise.

Full digital book available: Hymns, Heretics and History